Effective leadership is acknowledging the need for high performing employees to share the roles of implementation.  Small businesses may be able to get by with no management team, but growth reveals weaknesses in leadership abilities and the obvious time limitation of a sole leader. The time to build a management team is when you notice you aren’t getting the important items done timely, or find yourself performing tasks outside of your expertise and best use of your talents.

The most valuable result of a great management team is leverage.  Effectively using the talents of others to implement your vision creates velocity.  Velocity is the rate of speed with which something happens.  The downfall of many businesses is they react too slow to needed changes in direction.  Sharing the implementation role with a talented management team will allow you to focus on the business, rather than working in the business.

An effective management team also allows for growth in knowledge and the ability to handle complexity.  Growth in business size necessitates higher levels of talent.  Better decisions are made when talented people spend time together with a central focus – each one providing input from experience or specialized training.  Allowing a forum for ideas to be challenged will produce a better result.

Finally, the most valuable businesses are those built on predictable and replicable systems run by talented people, and not solely dependent on one person.  Your ability to provide a path for succession in leadership will mean ongoing success beyond your active presence in your business.  Are you ready to build a management team for your business?

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