Pointguard Financial

Identifying Your Purpose

Do you find yourself moving through life without having any specific destination? One attribute of successful people is that they make a purposeful pursuit of a goal.  Rather than taking a passive path through life, they do things on purpose.  Your ambition in life and your profession may be different, but one thing is sure – you won’t likely be satisfied with the results unless you pursue them with purpose.  Purpose provides meaning to your life and work.  Purpose lifts you to reach your full potential. Purpose brings life to your aspirations.

Think about the position of a business owner. They hire an individual based on character, fit, education and training, and special abilities. They look for people who will contribute to the team.  Are you one of these high performing people who are sought after?  If not, could it be that you are living life without a purpose?

Here’s a suggestion – spend time determining your purpose, and write it down. As often as you can, read your purpose statement and take actions toward carrying it out.  Don’t go through a day without remembering what you are trying to accomplish.  It could simply be to become a trusted friend – if so, then keep your promises, do what you say you are going to do, and don’t abandon people when hard times come.  It could be to reach certification as a professional in your field – then lay out your study plan, follow it diligently, set measureable goals, and work hard until you achieve the prize.

I love working with purposeful people. They make me a better person, they inspire me, and I want to be around them.  As the famous writer Washington Irving once said, “Great minds have purpose, others have wishes.” Don’t let life just happen, pinpoint your purpose and carry it out.


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