Leadership is a privilege earned through adversity, commitment, and trust.  Observations of those in leadership positions often reveal their trustworthiness.  Leaders are often under the microscope, and rightly so.  Effective leaders are followed and supported, even in tough decisions where it may have a negative impact on the group.  The reason we follow an effective leader is we know they have carefully considered the impact of their decision, and we can trust they have the best in mind for us or for the group.

Great leaders are accountable for their actions, and don’t place blame on others.  They have an obligation to report and explain their actions.  Our business and political landscape is fraught with blame.  Very few accept full responsibility for their decisions, it’s simply too easy to point your finger.  I respect leaders who accept responsibility for their decisions and actions; it increases my trust in them – especially when they own up to a mistake.  Lack of character will erode my trust, but respect is given to those who accept responsibility.

Great leaders also perform, and are the example in word and action.  I once had a mentor share of the feeling he had when he saw the CEO of a business bend down and pick up a gum wrapper from the ground at his place of business.  The feeling of pride in his work, and that the smallest detail was important to him.  It could have been just as easy to walk on by, and let someone else pick up the garbage.  It speaks volumes when leaders perform ordinary tasks that show humility.

Your employees are watching your actions and making judgments on your effectiveness as a leader.  Aspire to be a great leader.  Pay attention to the little things, and contemplate the impact of your decisions – what message does it send?  A trustworthy leader will inspire others to greater performance, and contribute to a prosperous environment.

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