Effective systems are largely invisible, as they provide acceptable results and allow for efficient use of our time. Conversely, broken systems become obvious as they wreak havoc on our ability to get things done timely, efficiently, and effectively. Broken systems are often the cause for low profitability in businesses and dysfunction in teams. Through years of experience, Pointguard recognizes that systems are the secret behind the most effective and profitable companies.
Take the example of a crew team. Regardless of the size of the boat or team, the crew must work together to maximize the capabilities of the boat. On 9 member teams, the coxswain is responsible for the boat’s steering and rhythm. Like the CEO of a business, the coxswain is responsible for ensuring that his team is pointed in the right direction, and operating efficiently using a replicable system that will provide the greatest opportunity for success. If one team member falls out of rhythm, the boat slows. When the team follows the system, the results are predictable. At this point, the coxswain’s (CEO’s) role is to be the encourager and steer the boat toward the finish line.
It is easy to recognize the value of great individual team members, but without an effective and reliable system the team will never reach its potential. The most profitable businesses are those that have team members who follow systems that are replicable and efficient. Contact us to learn how the Pointguard System for Financial Management can impact your business results.