Pointguard Financial

Traits of a Business Leader – Decision Making

Making decisions in the heat of battle is the most difficult position for a leader, yet great leaders are able to evaluate and courageously commit in spite of the challenge.  As I work with business owners and leaders, I find that they struggle most with the timeliness of key decisions.  There are many reasons for this including compassion for people in personnel decisions, and fear of making the wrong choice that may have a detrimental financial impact.

As I reflect back on decisions I have made, the one common theme is delayed timing.  Most all personnel decisions I have made were delayed, most often because of hope that things would change for the better.  While I believe compassion for people overrules a quick trigger, when it is clear that it isn’t working, it is best to move on quickly and professionally.  I have also delayed hiring key positions because of the fear of being overstaffed as we grow.  My attitude now is find key talent – these people will cause growth to happen.  Don’t delay on personnel decisions – if you’ve done your homework, you need to trust your instincts and courageously move forward.

Finally, every business owner has had the experience of a bad decision that made a negative financial impact.  Whether it was a bad customer relationship, or an incorrect bid, or even circumstances beyond your control –these happen.  Don’t let that paralyze you when approached with another opportunity.  An effective business owner evaluates the risks, but then steps out in faith with the decision.  The one common mistake I have made is delaying the decision.  Do your homework, including obtaining wise counsel – then trust your instincts and move forward in confidence.


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