Have you ever walked into an office or perhaps a store and felt like you were a burden on the worker who was helping you? Their answers were short, they were not fully present in your conversation, or they did not take the time to make sure your needs were met? They simply did their job, got it done and kept a close eye on their smart phone counting down the hours until their work day was done. Have you ever met a salesman who promised the world to you with no proof of his product or service? Was he passionate about what he was selling or was it clear that all he wanted was the bonus he would get for this sale? Did you feel genuinely cared about by those people?
One characteristic that I see lacking in our society is genuine care. We want everything to be beneficial for ourselves. We are often reluctant to give of our time and our services to benefit another. On the contrary, think about the businesses you have worked with that took time to finish a project for you to make sure it was perfect or that had a welcoming office ready to take care of your needs, and that looked beyond a sales pitch and into their relationship with you. Which one do you prefer?
The core of what we value at Pointguard is genuinely caring about our clients. We provide services that exhibit strong character and high value, but equally as important we work to build strong, personal relationships with our clients. Our greatest concern is to help you succeed. We don’t want to be an office where people leave feeling burdened and without answers. We love to see our clients leave our office feeling encouraged, uplifted and with goals in mind for greater success. Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” We want to teach you what Pointguard does, but we want to know you first. We want to show you that working with us is going to be better. We care about you and your needs.