We often judge someone’s integrity by their outward behavior. We gain confidence when we work with others who are transparent, reliable, honest, and accountable because we rely on people for success more than we think we do. Quite often their true character is revealed as tough decisions have to be made and promises have to be kept. All of us have been burned or disappointed by others who have chosen a lower path.

Integrity is defined as, “The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.” Transparency is a must “quality” to ensure integrity. We all need business partners and personal relationships to be based on a visible trust, one that is backed up by consistency in actions and words. People who have the desire for earning trust are people who have high standards. When a person holds themselves to high standards, they are stating their desire to be trusted.

If we value integrity we will naturally surround ourselves with others that do. When we seek out new business relationships or referrals, we will gravitate toward others who possess these same attributes. Strive to be reliable, respected, valued, and trusted. It is not always easy, but it’s worth it.


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